Saturday, October 07, 2006

The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier

( pages)

Stunned by his mother's recent death and appalled by the way his father sleepwalks through life, Jerry Renault, a New England high school student, ponders the poster in his locker-Do I dare disturb the universe?
Part of his universe is Archie Costello, leader of a secret school societ-the Virgils-and master of intimidation. Archie himself is intimidated by a cool, ambitious teacher into having the Virgils spearhead the annual fund-raising event-a chocolate sale. When Jerry refuses to be bullied into selling chocolates, he becomes a hero, but his defiance is a threat to Archie, the Virgils, and the school. In the inevitable showdown, Archie's skill at intimidation turns Jerry from hero to outcast, to victim, leaving him alone and terribly vulnerable.

This was a very intersting read, and about 40 or so pages in i remembered that i had read it before. The story is well written and the characters rounded, but I unfortunately felt as though i was reading as part of a school assignment (like the first time) rather than for fun :( Still worth the read though :D

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